The project “mIDS: Lightweight Intrusion Detection System for WSNs and the Internet of Things” has won 1st Prize Award for Best Poster/Demo in the Innovation Track of the 4th Innovation and Entrepreneurship Forum (IEF2019). mIDS is a work done by Dr. Christiana Ioannou and Dr. Vasos Vassiliou, of the Networks Research Laboratory (NetRL) and the RISE Research Center.
The research proposes an IDS that can detect unknown attacks using a lightweight anomaly-detection mechanism based on Binary Logistic Regression analysis. The developed tool is easily integrated in commonly-used IoT/WSN platforms and related operating systems.The mIDS solution fits perfectly into the new IoT security product category that Gartner recently created and calls: “Real-Time Discovery, Visibility, and Threat Detection”.
The forum was held on 19 April 2019 at the University of Cyprus with the aim to showcast recent research results and ideas with a strong market or societal potential impact that can be materialised through novel products, processes or services delivered by new or existing ventures, private or public organisations, governmental institutions or non-governmental initiatives.